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Three Superpowers I got when I became a Mom

Note: This post corresponds to the Momic chapter: “Superpowers.” You can read it on Webtoon here.

You gain superpowers when you become a mom. Here are some of mine:


I have never been the best at multitasking, but after becoming a mom, I’ve become an expert. In fact, I’m breastfeeding while writing this…but my biggest power is the ability to do everything hands-free while holding a baby. Clothes on the floor? Karate-kick that shit into the hamper. Open drawers? I’ve got child-bearing hips to tackle that problem. I’ve also found creative uses for my chin, but none come to mind at the moment. 

Supersonic Mom Hearing 

You know how Spiderman has “Spidey-Senses” to detect danger? Well, I swear I have mom-senses now. I can hear my baby crying from four rooms away. It’s like baby-echolocation or something. Also I notice any baby crying in public immediately. I think my brain radio is now tuned into the baby-crying station. Supersonic mom hearing, let’s go. 

The Dropsies 

No, not Dropsy the medical condition. THE DROPSIES, as in, the ability to drop EVERYTHING. This is my greatest power.

When I was younger I used to make fun of my mom because it seemed she was always dropping something. Well, karma is a bitch, because after I became a mom I was immediately infected with the DROPSIES. I swear shit just flies out of my hands somehow without me ever intending it. It’s like when two magnets repel each other, my hands repel items that are now attracted to the floor. Thankfully my baby is attracted to my arms and doesn’t seem to be affected by the DROPSIES. In fact, I just dropped my phone. Go me. 

Other powers I gained after being a mom include: being able to eat my food cold, having absolutely zero short term memory, misplacing my phone all the time,  and selective hearing. 

What powers did you gain when you became a mom? Do you also have the dropsies? Share your experience in the comments below!